Leetcode 54 Spiral Matrix and 59 Spiral Matrix II

Leetcode 54 Spiral Matrix and 59 Spiral Matrix II Leetcode 54 Spiral Matrix Edit Spiral Matrix on GitHub The problem description is as follow: Given a matrix of m x

Implementing Simple Garbage Collector

Implementing Simple Garbage Collector Edit Implementing Simple Garbage Collector on GitHub For thousands of times I have been thinking about this question: How come it seems to me that Java

Leetcode 212 Word Search II

Leetcode 212 Word Search II Edit Word Search II on GitHub Naive Approach The description of problem is : Given a 2D board and a list of words from the

Leetcode 208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Introduction to Prefix Tree In case anyone is not familiar with Trie (Prefix Tree), I will just do a quick explanation. Let’s see what wiki says: In computer science, a

Leetcode 79 Word Search

Leetcode 79 Word Search Edit Word Search on GitHub The problem description is as follow: Given a 2D board and a word, find if the word exists in the grid. The